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  • Writer's pictureArtisans Co-Op Rosewood

Our Launch Day

We successfully launched our store on Saturday, 8 February 2020!

It was unfortunate that it had been rainy and that the ground was too wet to have the rides on the day. But we made the most of this beautiful weather.

For those of you who aren't aware, we were first scheduled to have our launch day in January during school holidays. However, due to the rain we had that morning, we had to cancel. Once again, the ground was way too wet for there to be rides or to be walking on - talk about muddy!

Anyway, we finally managed to have our Launch Day and it went well.

We had several people pop in to check out our store and the talented creations our members.

A couple of our members had stalls set up to show off some of their creations plus the ability for adults and children alike, to get their hands dirty.

QLD Fire & Emergency Services (QFES) were present on the day, along with Goodna Youth Services and Ipswich City Council. We even had Jim Madden attend the event.

The directors of Artisans' Co-op would like to thank everyone involved in the event, including Rosewood Community Centre who were running the Family Fun Day in conjunction with our Launch Day.

We would also like to thank all those who attended the event.

Going forward, we are open every Saturday from 9am to 12pm until further notice.

Our online store is also up and running, so head over there to check out what we have! A lot of the products that can be purchased there are made to order.

If you would like to become a member, please head over to our Membership page for more information.

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